Lord’s Legacy

is an organization on a mission to serve those with intellectual and developmental disabilities by… Loving like Jesus, Challenging towards Growth, and Equipping to Thrive.

Day Training - this program is designed to integrate education with active participation in activities to promote the highest level of independence.

Community Supports - provides one-on-one training and assistance for individuals who live in their own family residence.

Residential Supports - provides housing to promote independence as 2-3 participants live in a home together.

About Us

At Lord’s Legacy Life Ministries, we believe we are called to embody the actions and teachings of Jesus by assisting individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in becoming more engaged and involved in their own lives. We embrace our purpose by building relationships with our participants, their families, and our communities. We are committed to making a positive and measurable difference in people’s lives; by showing unconditional love and acceptance.

LLM-prompted programs are person-centered and result-oriented. We have found that when services are individualized, our participants can truly improve their circumstances, develop their potential, and become
self-sufficient. Evaluating the advancement of our growth and development is crucial to delivering the highest quality services within our capabilities.

Kind Words

“Lord's Legacy Life Ministries has a culture of serving the needs of the people who need it most! Ensuring that the participants are included in community activities and living the life they desire is what they are about! The ripple effect of what they do will go into eternity!.”

- Dora B.